Cristina Iancu

Cristina Iancu, PRO TV reporter

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I met Cristina at a seminar organized by PRIME România where I was invited to talk about Fashion PR&Marketing. I put my eyes on her instantly because I love beautiful women who like to speak louder than the shoes they wear and I took her in an internship at Victoria 46. She has such an education and a kindness that you or I can rarely see so it was a must to photograph her for Papersuede. Meanwhile, she makes herself heard where she likes the most, at the news, and I think she’s a great asset for the media station she works for. Enjoy!

1.What is the brand you’re most loyal to/ you’ve been shopping constantly in the past years?

Longchamp, for my “soul” bag that I buy since I was 14.

2. Must have beauty brand. 

Clarins, for their hydrating creams.

3. First brand you think of for sexy/hot shoes.

Sophia Webster.

4. The mobile app you use the most.


5. A store with a catchy design

Molecule F.

6. A Romanian designer whose works you’d fill your closet with. 

Maria Lucia Hohan.

7. A brand you consider modern in communicating with you/the consumers.


Cristina Iancu, Pro tv

Cristina Iancu, street style Cristina Iancu detalii

Photo: Ioana Ieremia 

1 Thought to Cristina Iancu, PRO TV reporter

  1. Adrian Reply January 6, 2017 at 7:09 am

    Cristina este de o frumusețe cum rar am întâlnit. Până la lacrimi…


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