Paper report

Beauty around the Globe. North America.

The way we look at us doesn’t have anything to do with the mirror, but with ourselves. What beauty means in different corners of the world and how it’s put into focus I just found out on my own skin. Enjoy reading!


(Română) Idealuri de frumusete. Scandinavia

(Română) Modul în care ne vedem nu depinde de oglindă, ci de noi înșine. Ce înseamnă frumusețea în diferite zone ale lumii și cum e aceasta pusă în evidență, am aflat fix pe pielea mea. Episodul 3.

Papersuede-edito frumusete

Beauty around the Globe. Korea.

The way we look at us doesn’t have anything to do with the mirror, but with ourselves. What beauty means in different corners of the world and how it’s put into focus I just found out on my own skin. Enjoy reading!
